FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions Will
you send a CD?
Where do i find my download?
Where do i find my registration key?
I am trying to register a product but I just keep going in
circles on the web site
I am a first time customer, why is it so complicated to order?
Give me some Download recomendations
Support: Where do i get support for my purchases?
Will you send a CD?
our products are by direct download only and you will receiving a
registration key.
Where do i find my download?
Whenever you purchase a downloadable product you will find
the link in your My Account - User Account, under Previous Orders Order History: click
on the respective -Order Date-. You will see the link on the
bottom of the page listing all order information.
Where do i find my registration key?
Whenever you purchase a product for which a registration key
is required depending on the information listed in the respective
products listing page the following will apply:
Registration Key upon purchase: You will
find your registration key listed in the -Order History- link
of your User Account. Click on the respective order date for
a detailled listing of the order.
Note: keys are only shown if payment for order has been received.
Key will be supplied within 15 hours of purchase:
this means that we will email you your key ASAP as the key
must be generated manually by entering your data into the
respective key generation utility for the product in question.
I am a first time customer, why is it so complicated
to order?
If this is your first purchase then this will be a two step
process: all customers need a customer account.
Before the actual purchase process is initiated the system
will ask you for your customer details (name, address, etc)
so it can create a customer account. This is a one time event
only and on all future purchases the system will know who
you are already.
Give me some Download recomendations
Some of the files offered are quite large. While we do not
generally recommend the use of Download Managers, if you have
a 56K or ISDN modem access to the Internet you may want to
use Flashget, which is freely usable and available at www.flashget.com.
ADSL and Cable Modem users will mostly find it not necessary
to use a Download Manager at all.
Support: Where do i get support for
my purchases?
ICARUSGOLD.com will only give sales related support for products
We, ICARUSGOLD will provide customers the
software products purchased for download. We guarantee the
download availability of a product for 150 days from
the day of purchase. Within this period of time customers
are granted four (10) download processes. Customers shall be
responsible for saving and keeping download products after
that period of time and ICARUSGOLD will not be made liable
or held responsible for loss of the product on customers side. |